Adopting a pet means introducing a new member to the family. Even a happy addition takes some time to adjust, though. Here are three tips to help make the transition to your home easier for your puppy.

1. Puppy Proofing
As with any new baby, it’s important to make sure your home is safe for your puppy. It may hold a lot of dangers you don’t think about. Make sure all chemicals and cleaners are put away in a cabinet your pet can’t get into. Move all breakable items to higher shelves and out of the way of exuberant wagging tails. While you never want to leave a space heater unattended, it’s particularly important to be vigilant when you have a curious puppy around. Finally, make sure your swimming pool is gated so that the puppy doesn’t accidentally get into it.
2. Family Introductions
Acclimating to a new space can be challenging, especially if your puppy is skittish. One way to make it go more smoothly is to slowly introduce the puppy to its new family. Make sure children are patient and let the animal come to them, especially at first. Other pets should be introduced in the same way. Give them space to sniff and introduce themselves but also make their own safe spaces, such as a crate, readily available if they feel the need to retreat.
3. Professional Help
Your new puppy will need a vet and a groomer. Within the first month of having your new pet, you should find a vet that you like. Make sure the puppy is well and has all its shots. It’s also a good idea to get your puppy used to going to the groomer. A visit for pet nail trimming St. Petersburg can get your puppy used to being groomed at a young age.
Adopting a dog is a big responsibility. Taking the steps necessary to make it part of the family helps the process go more smoothly.