Ensure That Your Dog Does Not Lead You to Be Sued

Dogs are lovely pets which many of us keep for company and protection. To make sure that every one is at home with your dog, you need to adapt the animal to a certain behavior. This is because; if you do not train the dog to an acceptable pattern of behavior you might find yourself on the receiving end.
Dogs naturally are friendly animals unless instructed otherwise, to ensure that your dog adapts to an acceptable behavior pattern, it is advisable that you train him early. This training has to be ongoing as the animal grows and as he behaves in different circumstances. Dogs are naturally used to jumping when welcoming well known visitors. To make sure that the animal does not get used to that behavior, you might introduce him to a down command. This can be reinforced with a reward incase he is obedient. On the other hand, …
Ensure That Your Dog Does Not Lead You to Be Sued Read More