Blue Persian Cat – Exotic Shorthair Cat
If you are thinking of adopting a cat, then you should consider a Blue Persian cat. This exotic breed is known for its short, plush coat, large, round eyes, and flat face. It is an ideal pet for those who enjoy playing fetch and following you around the house. If you’re considering getting one for your home, make sure to read about the different features of this cat breed. You’ll be surprised by how cute it can be.
Exotic Shorthair is a new breed
Exotic Shorthairs are blue Persians that have been recently bred. Their coat is short, with thick paw pads. Their large round eyes are usually gold or copper. These beautiful cats have distinct facial features. They are sweet and quiet, and love to sunbathe and nap. They live up to 15 years if they are taken care of properly. Their long, sleek legs are also appealing, and …
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