What Makes a Dog Hypoallergenic?

What Makes a Dog Hypoallergenic?

The first question that comes to mind when talking about hypoallergenic dogs is, “What does a hypoallergenic dog look like?” This article will discuss what makes a hypoallergenic dog look different. Hypoallergenic puppies typically have a slower-growing coat that sheds less than other breeds and has less dander than their non-hypoallergenic counterparts.

Have Slow-Growing Coat

Fortunately, a slow-growing coat makes hypoallergenic dogs easier to maintain and groom. The Wire Fox Terrier, for example, only sheds occasionally, and its coat is short and wiry. Unlike other terriers, this breed doesn’t have a characteristic smell or need much care. Besides being hypoallergenic, these dogs are also known for their loving and loyal nature.

Hypoallergenic dogs are available in a variety of different varieties. Some have hairless coats, while others don’t shed at all. Poodles, for example, are available in miniature, standard, and large varieties. Because their coats do not shed a lot, …

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